Thursday, March 13, 2008

News cameramen go on strike - slides at 11.

After breakfast I took a few minutes to call Kristen (I brought a flash drive with Skype as well as a headset w/microphone) to catch up with the trip so far and to sheepishly ask to borrow her camera lens. My lens stopped zooming in Sydney and I know of nearly any trip, I most needed an operable camera. She also uses a Canon and had the very same lens as I did, so she wrapped it up and sent it express to Australia to a hotel which I knew we'd be staying in a few days. It definitely is not cheap, but if I had to purchase a new lens from a store I would have had to spend a whole lot more.

We hoped on board the bus that would be transporting us for the next week and headed off to an area called Surfer's Paradise. It was a bit too rough to try to surf, but I did rent a body board to play in the waves for a little while. The hashers would generally meander around to the different areas from the beach to the shopping and bar areas around the hotel. In the afternoon we met up to take the bus one mile to the start of the evening hash hosted by two of the local Brisbane hashes. One thing the group learned quickly is that when Dr. PP says the bus leaves at a particular time, she means it! Python and Fluffer had to look up the hash start location on the Gold Coast Hash website and then catch a taxi to the run start (a park with another large collection of bats) when they missed the cut off time! We had a good trail with several walker/runner splits that took us along some of the interesting spots in the area and stuff I was already thinking of checking out. We went through several pedestrian bridges, parks and along the beach. There was even a shot stop a a surf kayaking club house along the beach. we hang out, I get to know more and more of the group including Dr. PP, Higgins, Rumple Foreskin, Mr. X, Python, Fluffer, Rose Eh, Tinkerbell, Hummingbird, Oily Hole, and Sex Toy. I definitely do not think I'd forget Higgins after he broke out the garlic vodka. that has to be about the most vile stuff I can even comprehend and cannot imagine getting drunk on that, especially even having a big hangover in the morning and feeling it slosh around at any point. After the run there was a nice spread of sandwiches and other foodstuffs.

At the circle, locals Ass Up and Jerry (?) [my notes are a bit scribbled and hard to read several months later as I compose this blog are accused of suspiciously coming out the bush while someone named Cosmo is always being accused of something. Never mind they they are not even on this trip and someone else (usually Mr. X) has to be a stand-in, but I'm sure this hasher must be deserving. Rubber Choak was called out for locking herself of of her room in little save for her undies while Oily Hole almost got flattened by a car and got a down-down to help remember to look the other way (plus for being a big target for bat guano). Ice Box of Brisbane organized a lot of the hash bus tour activities. Brisbane must have a thing for them since it seemed like a rubber chicken convention. Also, Sex Toy got outed for introducing herself by her hash name to a stranger a t a bar at LAX. Random notes of which I cannot remember the meaning: Mr X slept on room key, Mammaries finds a long single hair somewhere.

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