Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.

Mams wanted to go see birds and was told that Centennial Park was the best place, so we headed off to see what was available. though there were not quite as many birds as was hoped, it was a very beautiful area and we did see quite a few black swans around. We didn't have long to hang around as we had to get to the airport for our flight. For whatever reason, apparently our flight times were different and I was to arrive a couple of hours early in Brisbane. The flight crew on my plane reminded me a bit of southwest in that they try to have some fun. the announcer started by "Today we have on board the lovely Jane, the lovely Sue, and the lovely Sarah. My name is Michelle and I am also lovely." The flight wasn't bad at all and once I got to Brisbane, I was easily able to figure out the train system to get into town. after a bit of waiting the hostel transport picked me up. Most of the hashers weren't in yet, so I took the opportunity to get a bit of rest as I was still trying to rest my internal clock and recuperate from all the running around. The rest of the evening was spent meeting the other members of the bus tour until I couldn't stay up any longer and thus went back to bed for the rest of the evening. Being so tired, I really wasn't able to remember most of the names but figured I'd get to know everyone soon enough.

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