Saturday, March 22, 2008

Confucius Say; Man with hand in bush not necessarily trimming shrubs.

Today was the first of the hash runs where dozens of buses took people to various locations around Perth for trail. In the rego papers there were descriptions of the run, however a few of us mainly chose the trail based on who was running circle. Mams, Hummingbird, me, and a few others loaded up for one of the bush runs. We were dropped off near some national park and then had a long trail to the end that was over several large hills, across rivers, and through pretty much what anyone would consider heavy bush. It was relatively well marked until the end where many of us got lost until we found marks of another trail. The circle was fun (except for the lack of any singing) with plenty of food, drink, and down-downs to go around.

A lot of the hashs in the area are men-only and B.A.T.T. overheard one of the trail runners about he hopes there are none of 'those women' on the next trail, even though she came in before he did, so she called him out for down-downs much to his embarrassment. Back at the venue a few hours later she's telling the story to some friends about some asshole that was making snide remarks about women and guess who just happened to be walking past. Small world sometimes; too small. At the venue there was another evening of skits, drink, and food.

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