Monday, March 17, 2008

I can swim 100 yards in two seconds - over a waterfall!

This morning we finished up the breakfast foods before heading out towards Minyon Falls for the morning's activities. The trail to the falls were a lot more tough than some had anticipated and unfortunately a few turned back just before we reached the falls as they didn't want to do the last rock scramble to get there. Only a few people decided to brave the chilly waters (which didn't seem to all that bad once one got numb. .. er .. used to it. Several of us swam around for a while under the falls themselves before we figured it was time to head back as we were starting to get hungry. Unfortunately, we hadn't completely planned on the leeches that were in the water with most of us finding several of them attached in various places, so we had to spend a little while doing 'leech checks'; though all in the name of health of course. Nearly everyone ended up having at least one, even those that didn't go into the water. Mams even had one somehow work its way under her toenail. Yeck. Fortunately Oily and Hemi had brought along a couple of salt packs, so once we got back to the bus we were able to get them off much more easily, although several on automatic Balls got to an disturbingly large size. Oily was even reluctant to give up the salt and kept dousing her clean feet after seeing what was coming off the other hikers. The parents of Rubber Choak and chick Magnet set up an excellent picnic for the entire group while we were out, so it was great to have food available when we returned.

After the falls, we headed to the nearby town of Nimbin that is apparently well know for its still active hippie culture. No one was able to walk along the sidewalks of town without be approached by some of the cannabis pushers. It was a very colorful town that was lax in its pace. It was definitely an interesting place to relax for a little while before heading back to Byron Bay.

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