Monday, March 24, 2008

Divers explore crevices.

Most people at already headed for home, however due to the timing of the diving trip, we decided to spend an extra day in Perth. In the morning we hopped the train to Freemantle on the western coast to explore a bit. There was a street party/festival, so there was plenty of entertainment. We wandered as a group for a while and had lunch at a place called "Cicerello’s" for some great seafood before splitting off to do our own thing. I spent my afternoon goring through the Maritime Museum at check out the shipwreck history of the area. It held the recovered remains of a fairly famous (for the area) ship called Batavia. We were suppose to meet at 6pm, however apparently everyone else got tired and decided to leave early. We go back to the hotel, cleaned up, and packed to head to the airport for our over-night flight to Cairns.

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