Sunday, March 09, 2008

Just another wrinkle in the fabric of time and space.

Due to the International Dateline, March 9, 2008 does not exist for me. I left LAX at 8pm March 8th and landed in Sydney at 8:05 AM on March 10th. I hope nothing interesting happened in the world today since I would have missed it completely.

The plane ride was about what would expect for 12 hours. fortunately Air New Zealand is a great service and soon after take-off we were having our first full meal. Each seat had a entertainment system that had games, dozens of music channels, and a couple of dozen movies. I was able to get some sleep, but throughout the flight I watched 'Into the Wild' and 'Lions and Lambs'. When I tried to sleep, I found it hard to support my head. as may be typical of me, I did not figure out that the headrest was moldable until about two minutes before we landed. I was also able to get through a large stack of magazines that I brought from home that had been piling up for a while, so I was surprisingly able to productively use the time during the day that did not exist.

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