Monday, April 14, 2008

When cave men got together they formed clubs

Today Cindi, Emily, and I walked around Invercargill including the town's large gardens and Queens Park Aviary for a while before heading up the east coast a bit. We had all heard about the scenic drive around the Caitlins that included sites such as a petrified forest along a rocky shore, Cathedral Cave, lighthouse, Purakanui Falls, etc. We stopped by a really neat place called the 'Lost Gypsy Gallery' that was an old hippie bus filled with hand made crafts and machines that fully operated. The cathedral cave was a hydraulically created sea cave that had cavernous openings and plenty of space in which to walk as long as it was done at low tide. It was a steep walk to reach it, but a neat location and experience anyway.

I did have a grand idea of running in the fields with the sheep. I had imagined running long as they play around and some great pictures of all the playful animals like at the petting zoo, all nudging up for handouts or attention. Well, things don't really happen that way it seems since as soon as I crossed the fence, everyone of the damn things bolted away. I felt like a stone with ripples in the water since everywhere I moved, there was a huge no-fly zone around me. All I could get were picture of sheep asses as they ran away. so much for frolicking in the fields. I did get to see a pretty cool looking penguin at the petrified forest, so that was kind of neat. We hit a few more sites along the way before eating near Gore and driving back to Queenstown. Once there, Emily, Cindi, and I parted ways once I dropped them at the hostel. I had a great time talking to them and traveling around the east coast and Stewart Island with them. They would only let me pay for about $20 of the gas we used since they claimed I saved them money in the car rental, though I would have let them ride for free just for the company. though most of all my travels in the past have been solo endeavours, I've found that things can be a lot more enjoyable when with the right traveling companion and am glad I have the perfect one at home waiting for me so we can do our own adventures in the future.

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