Thursday, April 24, 2008

"Well, I'm back."

After about 30 hours of traveling (I think), I am finally back home. I left Christchurch at 4:30PM April 23 and landed in LA at 12:30 PM the same day. After that it was a 9 hour layover in the airport. When I was looking for a terminal I was directed to the general area by some information volunteer (really just solicitors trying to create a feeling of obligation so they can ask for money) and was told that he thought Airtran (my freedom bird home) had gone bankrupt, I asked when and was told about 4-5 weeks ago. Fortunately I found out that it was ATA and not my actual carrier! I caught up on some phone calls, ate for a while, and burned through more of my audiobook before finally passing enough time so I could go home. In Atlanta I had to go to another terminal to find the chapel as it was the only place I figured would be without a TV, announcements, and constant traffic. Unfortunately it was only the size of a large supply closet with a glass brick wall, but at least it didn't have anyone around, so I could catch a couple hours of quasi-rest.

Finally I was back home. It is so good to be back as I have so missed everything about home. Kristen was very busy with the house and had lots of awesome 'upgrades' and changes and I'm extremely happy with it all. I have a lot of unpacking, laundry (ewww), emails, projects, and work to do, bit it is good to be home.

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