Hasher, SCUBA diver, outdoor lover, and overall geek of life.
Friday, April 18, 2008
A fox is a wolf who sends flowers.
On the way to the west coast there were a lot of scenic places to stop including Thunder Creek Falls, Roaring Billy Falls, etc. Fantail Falls were just a small set of falls close to the road, however I was struck more by the rock formations created in the riverbed. There were dozens of rock cairns created by visitors. They were all over the place like the sandcastles of children at the beach. For whatever reason I just found them interesting and walked around just seeing the different construction and design techniques. After a few more scenic stop, including the .5 mile single lane, two-way Haast Bridge, I headed on towards Ship Creek Beach just north of Haast and then on to Knights Point. After a few more random stops I headed towards Fox Glacier. It was getting late, so I knew I wouldn't have a chance to do much near the glacier anyway as I planned to go hiking on the other one the next day. I found a trail that had once been used to access the glacier face a long time ago and enjoyed the overlook it gave of the valley and ice wall. After the hike I did end up going to the glacier face and walking around a bit before it got too dark to see. I cooked dinner in the parking lot in total solitude and simply enjoyed the silence and sounds of rushing glacier melt. I stayed a while to watch the place go from pitch black to enough illumination such that I could see decently well as the moon started to rise. I nearly thought that the Doors of Durin (entrance to Moria in LOTR books) were going to be light up.
The photos here are copyrighted and may not be copied or used without permission.
I do a fair amount of traveling (20 countries in the past 15 months) but haven't updated this personal blog in a while since I've been gone much of the summer. Some of my pictures can be found at PerihelionPhotography.com though most can be found at facebook.com/mikeblitch
E-mail me if you have any questions about AYCJ, travel experiences, or photographs found here.
Contact me, if you wish, at mblitch@perihelionphotography.com
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