Saturday, April 12, 2008

A bird in the hand is safer than one overhead.

We got up early to hit Ulva Island that is a bird sanctuary supposedly free of predators such as rats or raccoons. After a lot of the bird populations were getting decimated, there was a big push to clear out the island to prove them with a safe place. We stayed for about 6 hours simply walking along the nature trails and exploring the various beaches and rock outcroppings of the area. As I didn't bring a telephoto lens on this trip, I couldn't get many closeup, but there were indeed a plethora of birds in the area. Unfortunately, we never did see the one bird that we really wanted, the Kiwi. Apparently most of the population of New Zealand have also never seen the bird as they nocturnal and tend to be quite elusive. It was simply just a relaxing day by the beach, at times just skipping stones for a while or playing on the rope swing. We were all pretty tired when getting back and after cooking dinner just decided to stay in and read in the living are for the evening.

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