Sunday, October 22, 2006

You can always tell when it's Halloween in the mall, the stores start decorating for Christmas.

This week was spent finishing up the apartment, getting it rented out, as well as working on some garage projects such as a kayak rack and a bit of metal cutting and welding on the teardrop camper batter shelf. Friday I decided to head over to Daytona for their red dress run. I had planned on going to Orlando for the Halloween Horror Nights event, but plans fell through after tickets were sold out with only scalpers on eBay and Craig's List having anything really available.

It was a fun event and I got to hang out with most of the Florida people that were on the cruise this year and see some folks that I had only met a couple of times before, mainly at the Bike Week events in March. We hit a several spots on the run/pub crawl, including a family style restaurant that ended up being a lot of fun with most of the patrons enjoying the spectacle. One of the Daytona hashers used to work at Hooters (hence the name 'Rolling Hooters') and taught me how to do a classic calendar pose. One really can learn something new every day. Here is a link to a bunch of the pictures that I took at the event.

I spent the day at Downtown Disney walking among the neat shops and enjoying the beautiful day outside. I might try to hit the parks again in the future once crowds die down, but a lot of the fun and experience of Disney could still be had even without having to go inside the park.

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