Monday, October 09, 2006

I went to a strip mall the other day with my friend. Let me tell you,I was disappointed. Everybody else had on clothes.

After getting a relatively late start (since Bonesucker forgot that she had a shower the evening before and took one in the morning and decided to sleep in a tad), we headed to the National Mall to take in the sites before we met up with the other Phoenix hashers and Wolly in the later afternoon. We walked from the Smithsonian Metro stop and covered the Washington Monument, WWII Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, and Korean War I (as it may soon be called if this nuke issue with North Korea isn't resolved soon) Memorial before getting a call from the others, wanting to meet us near Union Station that is literally on the other end near the Capitol. It involved a bit of trekking, along with some quick detours through a park or to see a garden, but we finally met them at the Capital City Brewery for some barbecue pizza and some very satisfying micro-brew, along with more games of 'steal the camera and take random pictures'. After eating for a bit we headed out and as we walked by the Department of Labor, Wolly decided to do a quick photo shoot of something he always wanted to set up. After finishing that skit, we decided to hit the National Archives and any other nearby museum as operating hours allowed. We got to see the Constitution, Bill of Rights (though with recent changed to the law, I was surprised to not see sections of the documents crossed out with Sharpies), and Magna Carta along with other various displays that they had set up. Before everything closed, we quickly hit the Smithsonian Natural History Museum
to view the Hope Diamond and some fossilized dinosaur bones and other ancient stuff. Once everything shut down, we hit Kelly's Irish Times pub near Union Station for a guineas or two before deciding to meet Motor Mouth for another boat party. MM had moved his boat for the evening to the pier in Georgetown. We hit the store before getting there and brought forth some chicken, sushi, and other morsels as we enjoyed the evening sitting on the water and talking. We'd chat with passersby and even got a couple of young Polish lasses to join us for a while. They were still there when I decided to leave so I could be sure to not miss the Metro before it shut down for the evening. A quick walk past the Watergate Hotel found us at the Metro station for a quick ride back to the house.

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