Thursday, October 26, 2006

Jimi Hendrix certainly used Firefoxy as his web browser when surfung with a Purple Hayes modem

For those not keeping up with new software updates in the tech scene, and I wouldn't expect any of you except Jason to do so, then you might want to check out the new release of Firefox 2.0. If you are still using Internet Explorer as your web browser, then I am ashamed and afraid. Even outside the geek bubble, the issues and problems with IE have been often reported in the media. Internet explorer is still extremely weak in terms of security and lacks many features that makes the free and open source web browser so much better. Main advantages would be tabbed browsing and lack of security issues. If you use IE, then at some point you will pick up adware and spyware that take advantage of unpatched exploits. Unless your work absolutely, positively requires IE (generally because of laziness of the IT department or ignorance of the small business owner or employee), then do yourself a favor and switch over. You'll find productivity increases and things will be more clear and easier with which to work.

Here is a website that gives info on tweaking the browser setting even more in order to get the most out of it. While you are at it, definitely bring in a couple of the add-on extensions that make the browser so much more versatile as well as saves time and effort. Specifically, I recommend; ad block, forecast fox, bugmenot, and spellbound.


Rafael said...

I love firefox, I just switched my girlfriend over to it last night. She had no clue she could use a browser other than innanet assploder.

Anonymous said...

If you are ashamed and afraid for IE users, I'm afraid to ask what you think about Netscape users. (The few, the proud...)

Of course you like Firefox. What guy wouldn't love a browser named after a Clint Eastwood movie? (A movie about a fighter jet, no less.)