Saturday, May 13, 2006

I am sick and depraved - please feed me drugs and cookies

Uggg, sometimes it just sucks to be me. I was so looking forward to the campout this weekend at Ginnie Springs. During the week I got the camper cleaned up, gear together, and even shopping at Costco for hamburgers and stuff to cook out. On Wednesday I was feeling kind of tired, but figured it was just from working outside much of the week. By Thursday afternoon I knew it wasn't good since I had a slight fever that I hoped would go away. Well, it only went up and I was at a 101+ for most of the day Friday. I was hoping to even get a bit better by Saturday enough to at least go up and hang out, but with still a slight fever and couch this morning, it just wasn't going to be a good idea to spend 6 hours on the road round trip, and hang around 40 people and potentially get them sick. I figure I better not push myself if I'm going to keep up with my plan to do some hiking in North Carolina next weekend for the 10 day trip. Thanks to Adrienne for running to the store for me since I couldn't easily drive, especially with the camper currently attached to the truck. It is nice to have some friends willing to look out for you.

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