Sunday, May 28, 2006

Camping is nature's way of promoting the motel business.

After finishing up at the falls on Friday, I had to head south of Atlanta to meet up will the folks at the Memorial weekend campout. The Atlanta Hash House Harriers put forth their 20th annual 'Hedon' campout on the property of one of their members. There were over 140 people (left) there throughout the weekend. I'm not going to be able to blog too much about the events because so much was going on. The trail on Saturday was a 3.5 mile shiggy trail (which means all offroad and through some very, very difficult terrain). There were some major portions where we were up to our thighs in mud and were pushing out way through briars and brush. I was able to get through relatively unscathed, however some people were not so lucky (right).

There were many groups that performed skits Saturday night as well as participating in the 'Hash Olympics' on Saturday that consisted of various displays of athletic (snicker) prowess. Since the property was quite large, there were groups spread everywhere, which made visiting and chatting fun as one simply walked around the place enjoying themselves. The food was plentiful and the beer was ever flowing. I had a great time meeting with everyone and joining in the random bits of fun. This is definitely an event I am going to be trying to hit every year.

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