Friday, September 25, 2009

" " <--- sorry, my blog title was stolen.

Day 18:

After getting up in the morning we decided to hit one of the local swimming holes and take a dip for a while. Chris got directions and it was pretty easy to find and we had a good time on the rope swings and bouldering or climbing the waterfall. Unfortunately the car got broken into a second time with the GPS being stolen this time, so after dealing with the police report (necessary for the insurance) we decided to get the hell out of the area. We tried not to let this ruin the feeling for the country and felt it was just very unfortunate to have to deal with that kind of reality. The plan was to head to an area known for the ziplining, so we finally settled in a small town called Monteverde.

Once we left La Fortuna, we almost never saw pavement again. Most of the roads were pot-hole filled dirt pathways and we were lucky to even see gravel. I did all the driving for this trip and had a fun time, but it was amazing as to how long it took to get somewhere that would have seemed to be close on a map. Most of the time in the country seemed to be just driving since it would take about 4 hours to get from one location to the next. Once we got to Monteverde we walked the town for a bit, grabbed dinner, and signed up for a zip lining excursion for the next morning.

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