Saturday, September 19, 2009

My watch is three hours fast, and I can't fix it. So I'm going to move to New York.

Day 12:
New York City

After sleeping in a bit, I again stored my luggage and hit the city for a little while. I headed over to the Brooklyn Bridge to get in some photography on a beautiful, sunny day. Though it is a bit of a walk to get to the middle span and observation areas, it was worth the effort since the reward is a sweeping view of the city. Since it was nearby, I also headed over to the African Burial Ground National Monument so I could get a park stamp and learn a little history of the area. I didn't have a lot of time since I had to get over to Chinatown to prepare for the NYC Hash House Harrier Red Dress Run. I didn't plan my trip to specifically be here for the event, but things were able to work out so I could attend, which was nice. I already knew a few hashers, Kiss My Rash of NYC and Shrimp Skanky of San Diego when he hosted me for their RDR many years ago. The afternoon and evening was spent socializing at the starting/ending bar and doing what turned out to be over 4 miles of a running trail. I was able to keep pretty close to the front of the pack since I definitely didn't want to get lost and separated from the herd. I've seen enough Discovery Channel to know what can happen when that occurs. I met some great people, including Kathy (NYC hashers do not apparently get hash names, which is very unusual) whom also was planning on hitting Peru this year and was into hiking and outdoor kind of stuff. I was pretty much at the bar from the time the hash started until most everyone had left since I didn't have too many other places to be.

After leaving I wandered to Times Square just one more time to take in the lights and sounds of the city before grabbing my stuff at the hostel (again the Google Maps application on the iPhone was vital) and heading to the airport. Since I had a very early flight anyway, to save money and some sleep time, I just went to the airport and slept just outside the terminal in a relatively quiet top story elevator lobby with no announcements and little traffic. NYC is probably one of the few major cities outside of Boston that I'd be comfortable in living. Except for getting to outdoor activities, there is always a lot to do and entertainment available and might be a place to which I'd consider moving.

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