Friday, February 02, 2007

If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? Lust has 20-20 vision!

Last night I was the hare for the 'Full Snow Moon' trail. Since it was also Tampa H3's #669 run, I decided to use it as the first of my '7 Deadly sins' trails. I got the idea (well more stole/borrowed) from Executive Spread when we were chatting while I was in Tucson a few weeks ago. Each trail will have a particular theme. Last night it was the 'lust'.

I found the most densely packed porn shop area of town and whenever we passed by one, there would at least be a 'porn check' instead of the normal checks where the pack has to search for where trail resumes within 360 degrees of that point. To add a little interest to it, I had at least three stops where the trail ended in front of a shop and the pack had to go inside to buy something before they were given a map that told them where the next portion of trail resumed. The clerks behind the counters all seemed willing to play along and I received several compliments regarding the different aspect of the trail. I'm still try to plan out the rest of the themed run, but it should be interesting, and fun!

1 comment:

Executive Spread said...

Thank god that you took something to Tampa that was useful, besides 1,900 pictures and some bad stories!

Glad to hear that you've started the 7 deadly sins. We started with envy on Saturday, as part of our all hashing, all drinking and realtively little puking weekend out here.

Next, we shall engage in our own lusty hash.