Monday, August 10, 2009

A meteor is an example of a rock star.

After working today and meeting the last of the new tenants at the USF house and dealing with a squirrel problem (apparently one snuck into the house when the doors were open during the month and made a home for himself in an old mattress), I loaded up the kayak and headed to the Ruskin area. One of my kayaking acquaintances had set up a group paddle event on the Ruskin Beach near Little Harbor to hopefully paddle out and watch the Perseid meteor shower; supposedly the largest of meteor showers for 2009. Unfortunately, Florida weather found the skies to be somewhat obscured by clouds. In combination with the light pollution of St. Petersburg just 9 miles across the water I didn't get to see a single streak across the sky. I did, however have a really nice time simply paddling around and enjoying the quiet, cool breeze of a summer's eve. The water was fairly flat and it was nicely quiet and made for an enjoyable evening that at least kept me from the house.

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