Sunday, June 07, 2009

Falling in love is easy; climbing out is a pain

After running 7 straight miles yesterday, a personal record for a single running distance in one stint, I decided to physically punish myself a bit more by joining the Tampa Adventure Group for the monthly meetup at the Vertical Ventures indoor climbing area. It had been a long, long time since I had been here, so I really had to dig to find my old harness. Most of the participants had never been climbing, so they took the class that "showed them the ropes" regarding safety and technique. It is amazing how just an hour or so of climbing can deaden one's arms; well at least my own. After the climbs, I had to visit a few tile and flooring places so I could find the materials I needed for the remodeling project and finally purchase everything and get it loaded. I finally got everything unloaded at the house (I don't even want to think how much 580 ft^3 of tile with the accompanying cement board, thin-set bags, and grout may weigh). Guess I know what I'll be doing over the next few weeks, but it'll be nice to have a decent house available for rent once again.

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