Monday, June 01, 2009

Cartoons: music played in an automobile?

I hadn't been to a concert since attending a fairly grand show at the Ice Palace in December and decided to hit to Matisyahu concert at Jannus Landing. I cannot believe it had been so long since doing something like that, silly monkey I suppose. I missed seeing him preform at the Warped Tour last summer by just a short while, so I was glad to have had a chance to make up for it. He was an opening performance for the headliner, Les Claypool. A group of three of us hung out in St. Pete for a while at a friend Ryan's house for dinner before heading out to the venue. The show was pretty nice and the weather actually fairly tolerable, but even at 8 o'clock it was obvious that summer and the accompanying humidity was here to stay. I enjoyed the music as well as the mix of reggae, hip hop, and rap for which Matisyahu is known, though the sounds of Les Claypool were definitely something to which I had really been exposed too often. I suppose that happens when listening to too many podcasts and audiobooks.

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