Sunday, June 14, 2009

Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes, work never begun.

After about a month, I've finally gotten to finishing the blog and photography entries regarding my trip to Italy. Overall, it was a worthwhile trip and I am glad that I was able to at least experience so many things I had heard about, learned about, or thought to checking out throughout my life concerning anything in Italy. Overall it will be a good lifetime experience and hopefully it'll continue to be fuel in my interest in future travels. so if you've missed some of the entries, just search for the 'Italy' tag, or click here, in order to easily go through them. All the pictures are clickable in order to get a higher resolution shot through blogspot, however I'm now downsizing them to a size that is more easily viewable on most monitors as opposed to the previously over sized shots I had been putting up.

If anyone has questions, concerns, complaints, comments, or criticism, then I'd be very open to hearing whatever one has to say. After all, communication is always a key to happiness and is something we all can strive to improve. If anyone ever needs any information regarding travel through Italy, then feel free to ask.

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