Tuesday, June 09, 2009

A man attempting to walk around the world, drowned today.

I had some time before attending a business networking meeting, so took a few pics of the storm coming into Tampa and did a short walk around. I wasn't able to set up quickly enough, so missed some good lightning shots when the rain and clouds caught up to me at the port garage. The downpour was short, but torrential enough to cause water to splash out of the second story drain plugs as all the roof water came through the pipes faster than it could enter the storm system. I also took a couple of shots of distance lightning on my way home that evening, but by the time I set up the camera once again at a clearing, most of the light show had been dissipated. Pics aren't that impressive, but it was something to do at the time. I need to remember to carry my remote trigger around to prevent camera shake even on the tripod.

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