Saturday, January 13, 2007

Is Taco Bell really a Mexican phone company?

After getting up in the morning and getting some breakfast we all lumber about for a while before getting ready to head to Mexico for the day's trail. After going over last minute instructions and reminders, such as having a driver's license or passport with which to return to the United States, we all headed over to the specially reserved limo that would take us to the border where we would begin and end the run. We piled everyone in, closed the door, and headed down the rode. Several wenches were serving complimentary alcoholic beverages along the ride with the in-drive entertainment consisting of numerous hash songs provided by the passengers. I had a great spot up in first class that was also known as 'Mom's Attic'. where I had a great view of the peasants in the economy class section, though only took about 20 minute for total drive time. The hares soon took off and we circled up for the safety exercise, last minute reminders ("no seriously, you need ID with you!"), and general entertainment before heading out.

Trail ended up being a lovely 7 mile stroll through some of the finer points of the Mexican town of Juarez. We crossed the pedestrian bridge into Mexico and were lead through numerous parks and residential sections of town. At least for the runners, trail was decently marked, but since I completely forgot to bring caulk, I had to make sure I kept up with the front runners so I wouldn't get myself lost. We only lost trail a couple of times since flour kept showing up on different sides of the road, behind trees and car tires, but eventually found our way. The first beer stop was a very welcome sight and there being plenty of chilled beer waiting for us at the arrival! I was starving though and decided to order up some nachos. While waiting for everyone to arrive, we spent the next hour or so playing more games of 3-Man, using various items (bucket, rock, etc) found on trail or in the bar to indicate who the 3-man was. After a while the runners took off again on more trail though additional areas of downtown and even through a shopping mall. There were a couple of stops long the way as various hashers paused to shop at the mall, outdoor stands, or adult shops that were found along the way. We finally arrived at the next beer stop in a pretty nice night club and danced, played games, and sang for a while.

Since it was getting late, the remaining trail pretty much took us back towards the border. While waiting in line to clear customs, one of the hasheriettes decided to try to use her looks and charm to slide her way through the line to the front. Apparently the officers noticed this and when she got the the front asked her a few questions and quickly took her to one of the side rooms for additional questioning. It probably didn't help her case when all the hashers broke out in applause and were egging them one with phrases like "Strip search her for drugs" or "You might want to check her for smuggled items!". That'll learn you I bet. She had to mis the first ride back to the hotel but eventually made it back a couple of hours later. We spent the rest of the evening hanging around the hall playing various games and relaxing from a long, but fun, day's run. Visiting Mexico again was a good time and I'm glad to have been able to check out yet another new part of the country, even if just a border town.

Rather than rehash all the other things that also happened, I suggest that you check out Bonesucker's blog here (I'm TMDD in case you didn't know):

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