Saturday, July 08, 2006

Her red dress matches her eyes

The trip to San Diego was nice as I enjoyed a bit of the scenery along the highway. Amazing how after being in Florida for so long (and the coast of South Carolina previous to that) that even small hills can be so interesting! I headed over to the Cabrillo National Monument at the mouth of the inlet into San Diego. It was a great way to get an overlook of the city and check out an historic lighthouse. This site was around where the first European explorer, Juan Rodri­guez Cabrillo, set foot in 1842 in what would eventually be the west coast of the United States and is the site of the Old Point Loma Lighthouse made in 1854. I hung around there as I waited for Dan (Shrimp Skanky), my gracious host for the weekend, to get off of work. I met him at one of the local taverns near his place to get a bit of lunch. We went to his apartment to get ready for the San Diego Red Dress Run that evening. Since we had time, I crashed on his roommate’s bed for a couple of hours, to catch up on some seriously needed sleep in preparation for the evening events. We took a cab over to the San Diego pier where the event was being held and I was able to meet up with some old, known faces as people were trickling in. I talked to several people that will also be attending the hash cruise in September as well as generally mingle with new folks. The RDR had over 500 people this year (unlike the mess they had last year when there were 2000 people since non-hashers were allowed [generally seen as a very big mistake]) and the trail was an actual running trail. Tampa seems to be the only hash that only does pub crawls for it’s main events. Anyway, my main costume only lasted a short distance on trail since a full body Afghan burqa (that is me and my host in the picture to the left) is not only quite hot (as in temperature), but also difficult to see through or converse with other folks. Fortunately I had a backup outfit in place to deal with just such a contingency (remember folks, the key is to accessorise). At the half-way mark there was a live band with the trail being a very nice run through downtown San Diego. The police and general crowd seemed to have a good time with it since 500 people running by wearing red dresses would indeed be quite a site. The party continued on for a while until the beer was all consumed by 11 o’clock or so (having gone through 60 kegs apparently). I rode back to Skanky's place in the cab since I was still pretty beat and had a lot planned over the next few days, though I wasn't really aware of the partying continuing in the hotel rooms and other nearby bars until the next day. The SDRDR was a great event and it was really nice to meet so many new folks and make some friends and future contacts. I should stop going to these events since I always have such a great time and want to do it all over again next year, adding to more required traveling when I don't want to miss out on the festivities! If you want to check out some of the rest of the insanity for the event, then go to and find the pics for the Red Dress Run event, or click here. I don't think I can do all the RDR events every year, but it is always one hell of a party. This event was just a convenient excuse to get to California and do the hiking I had been wanting to do for a while anyway, but we'll see what the next year holds. It certainly wouldn't have been nearly as much fun without a great host, Shrimp Skanky, for letting a wanderlust crash for a couple of days well as the kindness of all the strange strangers I met along the way and at the event.

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