Sunday, July 09, 2006

Evolution: from goo to you by way of the zoo.

I decided to hit the San Diego zoo after getting such rave reviews from so many folks, including my father whom had attended many years ago on his own California trip. I was really amazed with the quality and layout of the park. The terrain definitely wasn't the flatness I’ve been accustomed to at places like Busch Gardens and such. I especially liked the *huge*, multi-leveled bird aviary that really took advantage of the topography. It felt like being in one of the ‘Jurassic Park’ cages, though without the man-eating Velicoraptors, which was a good thing I reckon. The interesting animals included the apes, pandas, polar bears, and meer cats. I, of course, took a lot of photos (600+) while there. I took my telephoto lens, but apparently lost the lens cap at some point, so had to keep it in the bag for the most part, but got some pretty decent shots I hope. Many of them came out well, but the exhibits that used glass or acrylic distorted some of them, especially if there were water droplets on the panes such as at the polar bear area. I got in the Panda line a couple of different times in the day and was able to see them with a pretty good view each time. The polar bears were also pretty active and it was really neat to watch them play around, one of them dragging a traffic cone and even a large plastic barrel around underwater. It was tough walking, but I was able to see nearly everything I wanted to check out by the end of the afternoon and headed back towards Pacific Beach where I was able to meet up with the ‘Running of the Bulls Hash’ doing their trail since Skanky was able to keep me abreast of their location. They had a great party set up at the end with a rented hall, live band, and plenty of beer and snacks. I recognized a few people from the RDR (funny how hard it was to place someone when they didn’t have on a red dress and associated accessories), and met a few other folks. I missed out on getting one of the foam horns they gave out at the run start, but am glad I was able to meet up with the group.

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