Thursday, June 07, 2007

Geotagging. Stalk yourself.

A couple of folks have asked how the geotagging is done. Instead of reinventing the wheel (or taking the type to type out the entire process) I'll simply refer you to this excellent post that another person had made that outlines each step. Once used to it, the process is relatively quick

For pictures of parties and such it really wouldn't be too useful, but for hiking, kayaking, and other outdoor stuff, it can be a great tool. Ever take a picture outside and well down the road could not remember where you were? This will help eliminate that as well reduce the questions of; where were you, what did you do, etc. from family and friends. Now you can be informative and anti-social at the same time (or could just get rid of the friends who are probably just using you for your cool stories and pictures anyway).

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