Monday, May 28, 2007

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. --Ernest Hemingway

The rest of memorial weekend since showing up has been an absolute blast. The trail Saturday was long and mean. We never saw a shred of pavement or civilization as we made our way through literally miles of forest, swamps, and creek crossings. There were many times we were thigh deep in mud and water, and it was great. I do not recommend, however that one do it in a kilt, as I thought might be easier in the heat. Yes, things remain cooler, however the leg shredding one gets in return is not quite so fun. Saturday night were the annual skits where everyone pulled up chairs to the stage and preformed some self written piece of comedy or drama. If you have never been to such event, I cannot really easily describe it herein, just to say most stuff was damn funny, if not entertaining. Thanks for the Mammaries won the evening with her 'Fly the Friendly Thighs Airlines' in-flight service.

Sunday was a day of rest recover and games. For a while a group of us played camp chair bocce ball throughout the camp. No matter where the jack was thrown, we had to play it wither it be through tents, in-play volleyball games, or various gatherings of people. Later in the afternoon there were games of izzy-dizzy (which I am too much of a wimp to play but will gladly watch), frisbee keg, etc. Overall it was a very relaxing weekend made better by friends just wanting to hang out and chill for a while.

A link of some of the pictures I took can be found here, though a lot had to be edited to protect the guilty, but it give you an overall idea of the fun you missed.

Before I left my friend Kristin had her friends bring her to Hedon so she could catch a ride home. Since flights were pretty booked and expensive, she flew up to be with her friends for the weekend and asked to ride back with me. I'm not sure if she counted on the long drive, a couple of stops, and listening to my audio books, but that is the way things go sometime. When I was first heading north, I tried to stop by one of the NPS parks in Macon, however I arrived just after 5 o'clock, so I made sure to leave Hedon early enough so I could make it. the last stamp collection for this trip was the Ocmulgee National Monument. This was the site of several old Indian mounds. The visitor center looked to be pretty old, but there were of course exhibits that shared a bit of the history of the area. We had about an hour or so to walk around and covered just about a mile and a half of the park.

I've attached an overlay of the walking track along with some pictures that I would like to have tested, so let me know if it works.

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