Thursday, March 01, 2007

Gambling is a method of getting nothing for something.

I had a few errands to run in the late afternoon and had just enough time to run by the Hard Rock Casino before heading off for the evening kayaking. Normally I am not one to gamble with anything but my sanity or life, especially not money, but I figured I'd give to a go. I had seen an ad in the newspaper that had everyone signing up for their free 'Player's Club' would get $100 in gambling credit certificates. I don't have a problem spending other people's money, so I went to sign up and got the promotional certificates.

After about 20 minutes of playing, I was able to walk out with ~$55 in cash. The key was to cash out every time anything was won, so I had a large stack of small denomination tickets but a few that were worth 4-6 dollars. I find walking into places like that quite depressing . The sad part are the people that just sit there staring at the screen pushing a button. It is like the old rat experiments where they are trained to preform a task and sometimes get enough of a reward in pellets (food for the rats, credits for the gamblers) to encourage them to keep going. I've always thought that gambling is just a state tax on people who are bad at math. The disgusting part is just the acrid smoke that blankets the place. Even for the short time I was there I feel that I now have to go burn my clothes in a backyard pyre. My roommate was lucky enough to walk out with just over $100 so I made her buy dinner after we were finished kayaking.

Since it had been a while, we decided to do a little more paddling in preparation for the everglades trip in a couple of weeks. We met at 'Rick's On The River' at 7 and were in the water in short order for the usual paddle around Harbour Island past the downtown area. It was a leisurely 3 hour paddle and good exercise and a good way to spend the evening.

1 comment:

Jerri said...

Heh. Blanket Statements.

I like to go to the casino - I figure I'll take my $100 and play with it all night long and it's going to cost me about as much as an evening out anyway! And you have to admit, watching human nature, free drinks, and lounge entertainment isn't an awful way to the spend an evening now and then!