Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Day of the equaliux.

We have have reached the spring equinox ( Contrary to some belief, this is not the only time of the year that one may balance an egg on its end ( This also marks the day when daylight outlasts darkness. When combined with the new time change, there seems to be more available time to enjoy things outside. By convention, equiluxes are the days, occurring twice a year, where sunrise and sunset are closest to being exactly twelve hours apart.

I've been busy over the past week working at the office on several emergency issues that came up as well as planning for various trips; Everglades this weekend and my big annual 3 week trip to the western National Parks in June/July. Right now I'm planing on hitting Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Zion, and maybe Arches National Parks, so it should be an incredible adventure. I still have to start organizing the Australia/New Zealand trip for next year. I previously thought I could do what I wanted in about 3 weeks total, but I might need to expand that a bit since I now want to do at least two full weeks in New Zealand, a couple of days in Sydney, 3 day train ride across to Perth for the 4 day hash, and then hit Cains for 3-5 days on a SCUBA liveaboard trip to the Great Barrier reef.

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