Thursday, August 10, 2006

A zoo is a good place to study human behavior

There were a few things going on in the area that I wanted to attend such as the Lagwagon concert in St. Petersburg and a friend's party in New Port Richey, but I eventually decided to hit the 'Wazoo' event. This is an annual beer fest that Lowry Park Zoo conducts as a fund raiser where $30 allows get you into the park to sample some of the 180 or so kinds of beverages as well as some food from area venues. Since a couple of friends that lived down the road were going, they offered to drive since I'm usually the one to play taxi, which was totally fine by me! There were free taxis offered, but I figured the line at the event would be long enough as it was. We had excellent timing and got there just in time to miss the rain, get the last of the close parking, and get a spot near the gates. The event was pretty cool and I was able to keep with my plan of not getting any beer (that I had already tied at least) that I could get on the local Publix shelf. The evening went by quickly and I soon found myself safely home after having a great time meeting new folks, getting turned onto several different offerings, and running into friends as well as people I had not seen in a long time.

Sunday I had to get up relatively early to meet some friends in Dunedin for some paddling. Pretty much everyone there had been partying one place or another the night before, so all of us were dragging a bit, but knew that one we got on the water we'd be ok. The plan was to meet on the causeway to Honeymoon Island and go around Caladesi State Park. We took the ocean side first and had a real nice paddle for a couple of miles and even had a great time keeping pace with 3 dolphins that were zig zagging along our path. They could disappear at any time, but I think that they were even enjoying the attention and chance to show off! We stopped on the beach for a while to rest and I cooked up a batch of rice and chicken as well as some meat lasagna. After swimming around for an hour or so, we decided to head back. since I like new scenery (and prefer loop trails whenever possible) I decided to portage the kayak I was using to the other side of the island, which really wasn't that far of a distance, and paddle back on the bay side. Like when in Wheedon, I need to be sure to check tide charts before going since there were a lot of incredible low spots where the kayak could pass, since it has very low draft, but one could not get even get the entire blade into the water! I had been planning on hitting the Zendah Grotto for some swing dancing Sunday but after all that paddling just didn't have the energy and decided to stay home and crash.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Michael,
I am the nut from the chinese place.....
Ok, since I am a visual, would you mind spelling out for me what you were trying to tell me about the camera??? I would really appreciate it:) Thanks a bunch!