Monday, April 03, 2006


This weekend was spent at Camp Run-A-Muck. This is the annual campout organized by the Orlando Hash House Harriers. We had the entire campground reserved for the 120+ hashers that showed up from all over the state and even outside Florida. Kiddie, CB and I left my house around 1:30 and got there around 5 o'clock to set up. After getting the camper set up relatively close to the fun we were ready to party. Festivities started early with disorganized games of beer pong, tippy cup, 3 Man (a dice game) and other things like that. Much of the weekend is a blur or fun and activities such as the Hash Olympics that had us doing dizzy Frisbee golf (twirl around a golf club 8 times and throw the Frisbee at your target within 5 seconds and then quickly repeating the process until you hit the target), board shuffle (4 people standing on 2 8' 2x6s had to walk in unison around an obstacle course), musical chairs using ones designed for pre-schoolers, boccee ball, and other fun things. The trail on Saturday was great since within the first one hundred yards we had a water crossing and a bare minimum of anything resembling a street or level ground! At some point some anonymous person (whom shall never be named by this blogger for fear of retribution) even fortified CaughtFromBehind's tent around 3 o'clock in the morning as he slept. That anonymous person has taken note that next time the industrial wrap used for packing pallets and luggage would be more effective and take less time to apply.

Some of us went kayaking Sunday morning while others just stayed under the shade and watched everyone else move around. My favorite part is always Sunday afternoons when there is a core of folks that just hang around and talk and swap stories. After partying all weekend people are just relaxing and I have as much fun then as the other previous days. Somehow someone came up with a queen sized mattress and threw it on the flatbed that previously carried the cooking gear to the hash. Somehow we all just gravitated to the trailer and then found ourselves doing an impromptu fat boy trail (traditionally a very, very short trail that is usually less than 100 yards in length done in the mornings after a big event so we can say that we did something athletic) where someone unexpectedly jumped into the truck and drove the trailer around the parking lot. After doing a quick pub crawl with some of the final folks to hang around (though I stopped drinking hours before since I had a long drive ahead) we finally left Orlando around 10 o'clock. Needless to say Monday was wholely unproductive, so I'm sure I'll be working overtime for the next few days to catch up. Oh well, it was well worth it. I met a lot of great people as usual and must give a shout out to Senior Spitzen, Kansas Snack Box/Rebarb/Give the *itch a Ring (no one could remember her name so we just kept renaming her all weekend), CaughtFromBehind, Kiddie, ThanksForTheMammaries, LunarEClit, Peterphile, Wronghole (who took the picture of me that is posted above) and all the others that made this a great weekend.

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