Saturday, January 10, 2009

Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Kristen has always been intrigued and in love with birds and had a beautiful bird when she live in Bradenton that had to be given up. I knew that she very much wanted one again sometime and had been constantly looking on Craig's List and other sites for one. Knowing my dislike for noise and such, she was very sensitive in deciding on a species and wanted to want until the right opportunity came up. A week or so ago that opportunity presented itself when she found a listing where someone wanted to trade a hand-reared bird for a pool table. Knowing how important it was to her, I would have been willing to give up our pool table, but her enterprising mind came up with something even better. Through a lot of back and forth e-mails, she was able to find a pool table to the liking of the bird owner and arranged for us to go purchase a pool table from one person, dissemble it, transport it to the bird owner, and then reassemble it. Fortunately I had experience putting together the pool table at our home and leveling the table at her father's house and I had the tools needed to get the job done. Early this morning we headed up to Dade City and got to work. I was able to put the table together while Kristen spent some time with the new bird and talking to the bird's owner. As part of the deal, or maybe as a bonus, a large bird case was also included, so we were able to get everything loaded and still have room for a tree stand that we picked up on the way back home in the evening. It was a lot of work, but it was so worth every bit of effort as I could see Kristen was falling in love with the bird even in the short time. She's done so much for me that it felt really good to be able to contribute just this little bit towards completing the family and household. Now for a name.

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